Lowongan Kerja Branch Manager Construction PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA ( BATAM )

Admin: Unknown on 16 November 2016

Lowongan Kerja Branch Manager Construction PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA ( BATAM ) - REERACOEN is an incorporated company of Neo Career Group - which provides comprehensive HR service in Japan . We bring with us Omotenashi - Japanese hospitality spirit and would like to provide our hospitable service around the world . World - class companies supported by strong HR service will contribute to world economy and to contribute to this we will always provide best service , service which we call commitment bringing Growth to our clients . Not only for few countries - Singapore , Thai , Indonesia , Shanghai , Philippines , We are expanding our business to other Asian countries .
Lowongan Kerja Branch Manager Construction PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA ( BATAM )

Branch Manager Construction

Job Responsibilities:

  • Expand business, looking for new project 
  • Controlled operations of regional companies/branches in achieving the objectives of the company, through the establishment of policies and targets the achievement of progress that has been set
  • Make the planning, organizing, implementing and controlling the operations of the regional area/branch
  • Handling technical operation, An administrative employees
  • Decision-making, evaluation

Experience, Requirements & Skills:

  • Age: 35-45
  • Gender: Male
  • Education: Bachelor Degree Civil Engineering Major
  • Language: English Business Level
  • Experience: 2 years as Branch Manager/Assistant Manager in Construction Company
  • Experience as Project Manager/Project Coordinator/Operational Manager in Construction Company
  • Leadership skill
  • Negotiation skill


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